法國CECA-鋰型分子篩Lithium Molecular sieve

Welcome to CECA’s Molecular Sieves World
Since our start, in 1958, CECA has grown to become a major player in Molecular Sieves and a recognized expert in the field.
SILIPORITE R is the registered trademark of CECA’s adsorbents, manufactured to fit your applications in its plants in France and Poland.
SILIPORITE R is your dependable source: Not only for high performance Molecular Sieves, used either as stand-alone solutions or packaged with other adsorbents, but also for adsorption expertise in tackling your problems, designing your units and providing technical assistance.
Because innovation is at the heart of our development, we anticipate your productivity challenges.A, subsidiary of the ARKEMA group: 80 years of Innovation and Shared Success